Lab 4: Localization using AMCL ============================================================================= In this lab, we will use `amcl` package for localization. The amcl algorithm implements Monte Carlo localization for state estimation. In the first part of the lab, you will use amcl with a map that has already been built for you. In the second part, you will build your own map using the `gmapping` package and then use the resulting map for localization. Getting Started ---------------------- Install the `gmapping` ros package in your VM. .. code-block:: bash sudo apt install ros-melodic-gmapping Clone the example code into your catkin workspace: .. code-block:: bash cd ~/catkin_ws/src git clone Launching the example -------------------------------------------------- Connect to one of the robots and edit the file `` with the correct values. Open a new terminal window and set the environment variables: .. code-block:: bash source ~/ Use the tool `rostopic` to see the list of topics currently used in the network and check that you can connect to your robot. .. code-block:: bash rostopic list Launch the `teleop_key` node to move your robot: .. code-block:: bash roslaunch turtlebot_teleop keyboard_teleop.launch Part I: Using AMCL ----------------------------------------- Open a new terminal window and set the environment variables: .. code-block:: bash source ~/ Launch the `amcl_demo` .. code-block:: bash roslaunch amcl_demo amcl_demo.launch This launch file will start the amcl node with certain predefined parameters. It also loads an existing map and publishes it in the `/map` topic. You can open the file `~/catkin_ws/src/cmuq-turtlebot-remote/amcl_demo/amcl_demo.launch` to see the configuration. The `amcl` node uses the particle positions to compute and publish the transform from `map` to `base_link`. You can use **RViz** to visualize the progress of `amcl` as well as interact with the node. In a new terminal, set the environment variables and run: .. code-block:: bash source ~/ rosrun rviz rviz You should now have an RViz window. You can add the robot model and the map and change the `Fixed Frame` to `map` in the `Global Options`. When working with maps, it is useful to set the type of view to `TopDownOrtho` in the `Views` panel. You should be able to see the map. However, the robot is not localized yet. .. image:: img/amcl_1.png :width: 600 :alt: Alternative text When amcl_demo loads the map of the environment, the TurtleBot does not know its current location on the map. It needs a little help. Locate TurtleBot's position in the map by looking at the rviz visualization and let TurtleBot know this location by performing the following steps: - Click on the 2D Pose Estimate button on the tool toolbar at the top of the main screen. - Click the cursor on the location on the map where TurtleBot is located. A large green arrow will appear. Drag the mouse to extend the arrow in the direction TurtleBot is facing. Make sure that the `Fixed Frame` is set to `map` in the `Global Options`. Otherwise, it won't work. .. image:: img/amcl_2.png :width: 600 :alt: Alternative text Now you should see the robot appearing in the location that you chose. You can also visualize pose covariance and the particles that amcl computes. Click on the `Add` button on the `Displays` pane and add the topics `/amcl_pose/PoseWithCovariance` and `/particlecloud`. .. image:: img/amcl_3.png :width: 600 :alt: Alternative text Move your robot around and observe the performance of AMCL. Part II: Using GMapping ----------------------------------------- For the second part, you will need to kill all the nodes that you launched in part I. Now we will use `gmapping` to build our own map. Gmapping implements a laser-based SLAM algorithm. We will study SLAM in the next weeks. For now, let's learn how to use it. Open a new terminal window and set the environment variables: .. code-block:: bash source ~/ Launch the `gmapping_demo` .. code-block:: bash roslaunch gmapping_demo gmapping.launch In a new terminal, set the environment variables and run: .. code-block:: bash source ~/ rosrun rviz rviz You should now have an RViz window. You can add the robot model and the map (topic `/map`) and change the `Fixed Frame` to `map` in the `Global Options`. While moving your robot, you will observe how the map is being built. .. image:: img/gmapping_1.png :width: 600 :alt: Alternative text When you are done, you can save the map. In a new terminal, set the environment variables and run: .. code-block:: bash source ~/ rosrun map_server map_saver -f ~/catkin_ws/src/cmuq-turtlebot-remote/my_map You now have a copy of the map in your catkin workspace. Now it's time to stop gmapping. Finally, you should repeat part I but now using our map. Edit the launch file `amcl_demo.launch` in the `amcl_demo` package to make it work with the map you just saved.