Logistics ========= Welcome ------- This site describes the hardware and software setup for the programming labs and homework of the course. - Teaching Assistant: Eduardo Feo-Flushing - Email: efeoflus@andrew.cmu.edu - Office Hour: 10am - 11am, Monday (The office hours are available both in person and via Zoom) Please **feel free** to contact TAs if you have any questions. Lab Safety ---------- #. COVID-related safety requirements. - Wear your masks (**MANDATORY**) and keep safe distancing. - Note that whenever a lab is used, its work area, instruments and accessories should be completely cleaned, wiped and disinfected. The lab provides all necessary wipes, solutions and disinfectants, so when you are at the lab please wash/wipe your hands often, disinfect anything you touch and use, and take all other precautions to prevent the spread of the virus. #. Safety is always the top priority. - No food or beverage allowed in the lab. - Report any suspicious cables, wires, etc. #. Organize your station before you leave. - **Cut off all power supply**. - Organize wires, cables, etc. #. Do NOT make any changes to the software running on the robot. #. Do NOT make any changes to the wiring on the robot. #. Please save the battery (recharging takes time), and charge the robot if you do not have it running.